2015 Offset Kings Atlanta

There are different car show atmospheres that come with any region inside the United States. The western states have a deep-rooted aesthetic competition seen at car shows, where claiming an award is the priority. However, elsewhere stateside there is a greater sense of camaraderie and relaxation among show entrants. They may build their car with the goal of claiming an award, but they’re still at the show to engage with like-minded enthusiasts. Evidenced most recently at the Atlanta, Georgia stage of the Fatlace presented show Offset Kings.

By |2016-07-27T09:01:25-04:00May 20, 2015|Event Coverage, Shows|0 Comments

2015 Formula Drift Atlanta

Whoever came up with the nickname “Hotlanta” could not have been more accurate. Home to its own genre of rap music, humidity, and a legendary racetrack; the “dirty south” city of Atlanta, Georgia played host to the second round of the Formula Drift series under sweltering heat from the sun.

By |2016-07-27T09:00:16-04:00May 15, 2015|Event Coverage, Racing|0 Comments

Facility Tour: Eibach Suspension – Part 1 of 2

The privilege of seeing a production process will always yield a higher understanding of the end product. From something as simple as seeing your sandwich get made at a deli to witnessing a complicated watch get assembled, knowing everything going into it changes your perception. The way procedures are followed, the cleanliness of the facility, and the scrutiny all pieces undergo evoke an emotion tying you to that product. So when I had the opportunity to get a tour of the prestigious performance suspension company Eibach, I sprung on board!

By |2017-01-05T16:57:01-05:00May 11, 2015|Industry|1 Comment

2015 Offset Kings Long Beach

The dividing line between performance and fashion is rarely skewed in the automotive culture. We gear heads, as a whole, tend to cling to one side or the other with aspirations of crossing over to dabble in our counterpart. That dividing line became physical in Long Beach, California where a barrier of fencing separated the temporary Long Beach Grand Prix track from the Fatlace presented car show ­– Offset Kings.

By |2016-07-27T08:54:53-04:00May 4, 2015|Event Coverage, Shows|0 Comments
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